The Programming Languages Zoo

A potpourri of programming languages

The zoo is available as a GitHub project. Here are detailed installation instructions.


To compile the code you will need:

A good way to get started with OCaml is to use the OCaml pagackage manager OPAM, through which menhir and dune are available. Both OCaml and OPAM are available through package managers on Linux and OS X, see instruction on the OPAM web site.

It is recommended that you install ledit or rlwrap command-line editing wrappers. Check your package manager, it probably knows about them. They will be detected and automatically used by the toplevel interactive loop.

Learning OCaml

The languages are implemented in OCaml. If you are not familiar with OCaml, we highly recommend that you look at the excellent resources for learning OCaml.

Obtaining the source code

Get the source from GitHub:

git clone

or via the HTTP protocol

git clone

If you do not use GitHub (why not?!) you can directly download a ZIP archive.


To compile all the languages run:

dune build

You can also compile a single language lang with

dune build src/lang