[source] [example]Miniprolog is a minimalist prolog interpeter. It does not contain cuts, arithmetic, lists, or equality – just basic Horn clauses.
The terms of the language consist of:
- constants, which are strings of alphanumeric characters, starting with a lower case letter.
- variables, which are strings of alphanumeric characters, starting with a upper case letter.
- composite terms of the form
f(t1, ..., tn)
is a constant andt1
, …,tn
are terms.
Examples of terms are: x
, y
, X
, A
, son(abel, adam)
, less(X, plus(X, one))
You may type in assertions and queries. An atomic assertion is written as a term followed by a period,
an inference rule (complex assertion) is written as
goal :- subgoal1, ..., subgoalN.
where assertion
, goal
, subgoal1
, …, subgoalN
are terms. A query is written as
(including the “?-
?- query.
where query is a term. You may type assertions and queries at the command line or place them in a file. See the enclosed examples.
Sample session, see also the file example.miniprolog
miniProlog -- programming languages zoo
Type Ctrl-D to exit
miniProlog> it_is_raining.
miniProlog> no_umbrella.
miniProlog> i_am_wet :- it_is_raining, no_umbrella.
miniProlog> ?- i_am_wet.
miniProlog> ?- i_am_dry.
miniProlog> child(luke, vader).
miniProlog> child(leia, vader).
miniProlog> ?- child(X, vader).
X = luke
more? (y/n) [y] y
X = leia
more? (y/n) [y] y
miniProlog> sibling(X,Y) :- child(X,Z), child(Y,Z).
miniProlog> ?- sibling(A,B).
A = luke
B = luke
more? (y/n) [y] y
A = luke
B = leia
more? (y/n) [y] y
A = leia
B = luke
more? (y/n) [y] y
A = leia
B = leia
more? (y/n) [y] y